Thursday, August 28, 2014

Voiceover Acting: Part 1

This will be an ongoing series on how to read and perform voiceover scripts as I learn more about this facet of the industry. But, to get you all started, here are some general tips.

1. Stay Consistent. According to the teacher that I studied under at Acting Studio Chicago, Dave Leffel, this is the number one "rule" of voiceover performance. If you start off with a high energy voice you need to be sure that you're maintaining that voice for the duration of the spot. This can be challenging, especially if it's 30 seconds of overly written copy. 

2. Research. You need to know what's out there. Have a habit of skipping over commercials? Stop that. It's research built into your leisure time. Actively listen to what's going on, what kind of sound certain advertisers are interested in. Does McDonald's have a certain sound? What about Plato's Closet? Start trying to determine where your voice fits in. Be honest.

3. Stay you. I know it's hard, especially after you've done lots of research and know the products that you'd like to pitch and the voices that are used for said products, but don't do impersonations of the voices you hear on the radio. Use your own unique voice.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bad bad blogger

Soooo..... Hey guys, it's been awhile. Rest assured that I have not been idle. In fact, I got really busy and had a thousand things on my to do list. Somehow this blog didn't make it on there even though I totally could have worked it in. Procrastination, thy name is Angela.

The show I was in closed at the beginning of this month, and then I went straight into a brutal three day shoot for a short film. We didn't have a night where I got out of there before 2 AM.

After that, I got to see Chicago Shake's Seussical, which was delightful, before heading out to North Carolina for a bit.

I should be back in the city tomorrow night for an audition. (Hopefully, the time line is stressing me out a bit.)

Anyhoo, exciting days. A real post with (I hope) useful information to come this Thursday. I'm thinking it will be some tidbits I've picked up during my voiceover class.